As I have said, I've been using the Weight Watchers PointsPlus program. It is fantastic! I knew I would do well with it because it worked for me before, and the best part is I can still pretty much eat whatever I want... in moderation, of course.
I know that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it in a healthy way at a slow pace. But this pace is too slow for my liking. I know I'm not the only one who is dreading spring break (less than 3 months away!). Although I'm excited for the beach and time with friends, the thought of getting into a bathing suit makes me want to both cry and vomit simultaneously.
This semester- especially til March- is really busy and hectic and I can seldom find time or energy to work out. I don't even have time to watch TV- and anyone who knows me can tell you that that is especially odd. If I can't make TV time you can bet your bottom dollar that workout time is even slimmer. However, I need to see some change. As nice as it is having my friends tell me that I'm looking thinner- I don't see it at all, and the scale only sees it a little bit at a time. I've got to get some heavy-duty workouts in soon if I want to avoid getting sick at the thought of a bathing suit. So, I'm hoping to at least get 3-4 high-powered workouts in a week (motivation appreciated). After I come home from Atlanta in a couple of weeks I'll have the big Zumba workout (thanks Mom!!) so that will at least be something. Until then I'll have to find something else- and fast. This fat won't burn itself off.
Stay tuned for my progress- and I'll let you know what workouts work best for me! Please give any suggestions!!! They're very much appreciated!

why don't you take measurements so you can see a change on the tape measure?
ReplyDeleteNot a bad idea... Hopefully it will be more satisfying than the scale lol.